Manipal Hospital Hosts "Can Conquer Cancer – The Power to Heal", Honours Brave Cancer Survivors


 Bengaluru : Manipal Hospital hosted a heartwarming and inspiring event, "Can Conquer Cancer – The Power to Heal," today, honoring brave cancer survivors who have successfully beaten cancer. They shared their diverse experiences, highlighting the significance of maintaining a positive mindset through the ordeal. They collectively emphasized that determination and a will to live play a pivotal role in overcoming such a challenging journey.

Cancer, once considered a deadly disease, is now a condition with improving survival rates across many types due to advancements in technology, cancer screening, treatment, and prevention. These sentiments of hope and resilience echoed through Manipal Hospital’s event as cancer survivors shared their personal victories and the determination it took to conquer cancer.

The event witnessed survivors of different cancers such as tissue and bone sarcoma, breast cancer, leukemia, hodgkin's lymphoma and retinoblastoma. Among them, a notable case to highlight was of Mr. Nandakishor (76-year-old), a former director in the automobile industry, from Coimbatore, who was diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma, a type of stomach cancer in June 2023.  This was his second cancer diagnosis, having previously overcome laryngeal cancer in 1996 with radiation therapy. After experiencing sudden weight loss with associated symptoms like anaemia and difficulty eating, Mr. Nandakishor sought help at Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, Bangalore under Dr. Suraj Manjunath, Consultant - Surgical Oncology where his diagnosis was confirmed.

He underwent a comprehensive treatment plan that lasted for 6 - 7 months, including neoadjuvant chemotherapy by Dr. Amit Rauthan, HOD & Consultant - Medical Oncology, Haematology & Haemato-Oncology and robotic gastrectomy by Dr. Suraj Manjunath, Consultant - Surgical Oncology, followed by additional chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Dr. Suraj Manjunath said, “Despite his age, previous cancer history, and comorbidities like hypertension, Mr. Nandakishor responded well to the minimally invasive robotic surgery, which facilitated a faster recovery with minimal post-operative pain.”“His family, particularly his wife and daughter, provided unwavering support throughout the treatment, which he credits for his successful recovery. A disciplined individual who has been maintaining a healthy vegetarian diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding overeating all his life, Mr. Nandakishor has regained 80% of his health post-treatment and resumed his routine activities and his passion for driving,” added Dr. Amit Rauthan.Grateful for the care received, Mr. Nandakishor emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis, maintaining self-confidence, and following medical advice. He encourages others to view cancer as a manageable disease, similar to other chronic illnesses, and to trust in medical professionals and maintain faith in the treatment process and God.Today’s event concluded with survivors sharing their journeys of fighting cancer and reclaiming their lives. Cancer is no longer the dreaded word and you can conquer cancer.

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