Celebrating the Lifelong Impact of Maternal Health on Child Well-being


 Mother's Day, celebrated on May 12, holds a special significance as it recognizes the unparalleled role of mothers in shaping the health and development of their children. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the tireless efforts and sacrifices that mothers make every day to ensure the well-being of their families. It is an occasion to honor and appreciate the selfless love and dedication of mothers worldwide.

Dr. Sreeja Rani VR, Senior Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kinder Hospital emphasized the crucial role mothers play in the health and well-being of their babies. She delves into the topic of maternal health and its direct impact on the child, shedding light on common mistakes made by mothers that can inadvertently affect the health of their babies.

"A mother's role extends beyond nurturing and caring for her child; she is a fundamental teacher across various dimensions of a child's growth, including social-emotional, physical, cognitive, and independence development. Babies are deeply attached to their mothers as they perceive them as their primary source of survival during their initial stages of life. The continuous care, feeding, sheltering, cleaning, clothing, and comforting provided by mothers are vital aspects of a baby's early life and development, shaping their ability to communicate and interact with the world", Dr Sreeja said by stressing that the critical nature of maternal health in ensuring optimal outcomes for both mothers and their babies. A healthy pregnancy significantly contributes to the healthy growth and development of the fetus, reducing the risks associated with infant mortality and morbidity. Research indicates that a pregnant woman's overall well-being, dietary habits, and stress levels can profoundly influence the development of her unborn child, highlighting the interconnectedness of maternal and infant health.

The importance of proper nutrition, particularly the intake of essential nutrients like iron and folic acid, cannot be overstated. Adequate supplementation of these nutrients among women of reproductive age is crucial for improving pregnancy outcomes, enhancing maternal and infant health, and reducing the risks of complications such as anaemia, perinatal mortality, premature birth, and low birth weight.

Breastfeeding also emerges as a key aspect of maternal and infant health management. Dr. Sreeja advocates for immediate and uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact post-birth, encouraging mothers to initiate breastfeeding promptly. Exclusive breastfeeding, without providing any additional food or fluids unless medically necessary, is essential for the overall well-being of both mothers and their infants. Practices such as rooming-in, where mothers and infants remain together 24 hours a day, facilitate better bonding and responsiveness to feeding cues, promoting optimal growth and development.
Additionally, Dr. Sreeja underscores the importance of maternal mental health, emphasizing that high levels of stress, anxiety, or depression during pregnancy can lead to adverse outcomes such as premature delivery, low birth weight, and cognitive impairments in children. Managing maternal mental health is therefore crucial for ensuring positive prenatal outcomes and overall well-being for both mothers and their babies.

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