In support of WHO’s Global Strategy for Elimination of Cervical Cancer, a HPV Vaccination Program for rural and peri-urban adolescent girls in Mysuru was inaugurated in JSS Hospital by Dr. B. Suresh, Pro-Chancellor of JSS AHER, Dr. M.S. Jayanth RCHO Mysuru, Dept HFW, Dr. H. BasavanaGowdappa, Principal, JSS Medical College, Dr.PurnimaMadhivanan, Founder PHRII and Dr.Madhu C.P., Medical Superintendent, JSS Hospital. Six girls from JSS High School, NachanahallyPalya were given the HPV Vaccine (Gardasil - 9) which acts against 9 types of HPV which causes cervical cancer among other cancers. PHRII and JSS AHER have committed to vaccinate 200 girl children across Mysuru with this vaccine. This program has been sponsored by Sun Pharma.